Thursday, January 13, 2005

Captain Flynn at Against All Flags has apparently and sadly been captured by a rival gang of pirates; we look forward to his return to the high seas. POGGE has an article on the first US jurisdiction to officially mandate the use of creationist pseudoscience in the public schools. Treehugger writes about the financial shortfall at the CBC and argues for a PBS-style model for the Mother Corp. Polyspy thrashes those who would make a profit from the sale of Canadian war medals, and Timmy at Voice in the Wilderness goes after Fox News. True North segues from BSE to a philosophy of blogging. North Western Winds offers a back-of-the-hand compliment to your humble and ob't servant at the expense of Calgary Grit: "If I was ever to start including left leaning blogs his would not be among them. I almost added The Upper Canadian but then he went and defended Susan Sontag's anti US tirade made just after September 11, 2001. Nope, I'm not giving publicity to that. Maybe I'll reconsider on UC in the future but Mr. Grit's blog is both boring and uninformative and I can't see why I'd send anyone there to waste their time." Dear me. The observant reader will note NWW's link in the right-hand column has remained in place, and if NWW will send me a list, I will endeavour not to defend anyone who offends his sensibilities. As for Calgary Grit, he fends for himself quite nicely.